Penn Medicine, through its otorhinolaryngology physicians licensed to practice medicine in Pennsylvania, will provide remote physician-to-physician/peer-to-peer medical consultation related to patients of the consulting physician/peer’s patients (“Medical Consultation”). Penn Medicine will not provide health care services directly to patients whose medical conditions are the basis for the Medical Consultation. It is Penn Medicine’s expectation that no personal and specific health information of patients will be provided as part of the Medical Consultation

Neither Penn Medicine nor its otorhinolaryngology physicians will make final decisions concerning the patient’s treatment, diagnosis, or rendering of health care services as part of the Medical Consultation. Rather, physicians seeking the Medical Consultation and his/her patient will have final authority and responsibility to make any/all such treatment, diagnosis or health care decisions. 

Penn Medicine preserves patient rights under HIPAA and applicable data protection laws. To the extent that a Medical Consultation is being sought related to patients outside of the United States, and within the United Kingdom or European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other privacy laws in the UK or EU may apply.

Physicians seeking a Medical Consultation from Penn Medicine shall not use the Penn Medicine name or logo, or its otorhinolaryngology physicians’ names, in publicity or for any advertising purposes.

By submitting your Medical Consultation request to Penn Medicine, you agree to the above.